
Oil and Cold Wax Paintings

This new group of paintings draws inspiration from the gable ends of houses that face the sea along the North East Coast. These structures, standing close to the edge, endure North Sea storms and all the challenges that the weather brings. For me, they are powerful symbols of resilience—steadfast against the elements, much like the human spirit in the face of life’s storms.

These shapes began to emerge in my ‘North Sea Fragment’ series, and now they have become a focus of experimentation. This collection is in progress, exploring the gable end form as a means of expressing strength, endurance, and adaptability. 

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the work below. They are currently for sale in mixed gallery exhibitions and some are at the studio.

Title: Still Standing

Size: 30 x 90cm

Price: £ 700

Title: Strong Foundation

Size: 30 x 30cm

Price: £ 395

Title: Liminal

Size: 30 x 30cm

Price: £ 395